Program Management

Program Management Contract with HCTRA for the Grand Parkway (SH 99) Segment E


Segment E is an urban freeway section approximately 14 miles in length at mostly a new location with frontage roads for only approximately 3 miles. Design of segment E consists of direct connectors at IH 10 and SH 290, a 4-lane concrete roadway with future considerations to expand to an 8-lane system with limited frontage roads and ramps at most cross streets, combination of open ditch and storm sewer system, retaining walls, bridges, SPUI intersection design, tolling plazas, traffic control at existing cross streets, detention and mitigation ponds, offsite drainage improvements, signals, signing and striping, safety lighting, ITS, and SW3P. The roadway and bridge design complied with TxDOT’s criteria and offsite drainage and detention design to HCFCD criteria.The project was divided into seven different PS&E packages with 18 different roadway engineering firms and 12 different bridge engineering firms. One

PS&E package could have as many as 9 firms contributing to its development. The tasks preformed under this contract were to ensure all designs and PS&E development met the proper criteria, coordinate efforts and identify conflicts with all the different design firms contracted to this segment of the Grand Parkway. Plans were reviewed for consistency and constructability. Questions from the various firms were fielded throughout the project’s design and guidance and trouble shooting of various conflicts and/or design issues were conducted.


City of Houston Storm Water Management Program, Houston, TX


ZESI provided program management and engineering services for the City of Houston’s Storm Water Maanagement Program (SWMP). ZESI developed a Program Directive Manual which includes a step by step project management procedure from start to finish, scheduling directives, quality control forms, procedures for each submittal stage and a QA/QC check list. The estimated total probable construction cost of the SWMP is $110 million, of which ZESI is managing approximately $60 million. In addition, ZESI is responsible for QA/QC and utility coordination for all SWMP projects.


HCFCD Brays Bayou Flood Mitigation Program, Houston, TX


This project included review of channel cross sections and HEC-2 model output to determine if the current bridge configurations will accommodate the proposed channel cross section. ZESI performed a site investigation to determine the condition of the 27 bridges from a structural standpoint and prepared a comprehensive bridge condition report. The report addressed flood mitigation, approach road transitions, traffic control issues, potential utility conflicts, and coordination and adjustment and/or replacement issues. It provided a conceptual cost estimate for each bridge analyzed. Suretrak scheduling software was used for the project.


City of Houston Street Overlay Program, Houston, TX


This citywide program involves overlay designs across the City. Tasks include development of inventory sheets, development of GIMS maps with the photo exhibits, and numerous field visits. ZESI has completed 15 work orders that cover approximately sixty roadway lane miles. Based on the condition survey we develop, we recommended either a partial or full overlay. We have also evaluated over 1,000

curb ramps along candidate overlay roadways and recommended modification or installation of new curb ramps at various locations. All must be ADA compliant.


HCFCD Grantwood Subdivision Buyout Program, Harris County, TX


The Grantwood Subdivision project involves the orderly transition from pre- to postbuyout conditions as part of the FEMA flood buyout program. The Grantwood Subdivision is adjacent to Cypress Creek and has experienced frequent flooding. Many of the houses in this subdivision have qualified for the buyout program. Due to the buyout, there are numerous street closers and utility abandonments. For those homes that did not qualify, infrastructure services such as street access, street lighting, water, power and sewer must be provided. ZESI completed preliminary design on street closures and utility abandonments in a manner which also ensures continued service for residences that are to remain after the buyout program has been completed.


City of Houston Street and Bridge Program, Houston, TX


ZESI’s President was responsible for managing over 10 individual design consultants on numerous projects resulting in the development of over $67 million of street improvements. The effort included an inventory of streets to evaluate the existing condition of their surface, driveways, wheel chair ramps, sidewalks, curbs, right of way, railroad crossings, utilities, and trees, and to determine design compliance and constraints. She developed project conceptual construction cost estimates and identified and prioritized capital improvement projects derived from feasibility studies or designs. This Program lasted for several years and included the Texaco Grand Prix of Texas Race Track and the Midtown project. Ms. Zarinkelk had management and liaison responsibilities. She also worked as an engineering supervisor training and directing engineers in their efforts. In addition, Ms. Zarinkelk coordinated almost continuously with the Corps of Engineers on wetland issues, and with the Texas Department of Transportation and various cities and counties on funding, design and right-of-way issues.


METRO’S METROSOLUTIONS Light Rail Project, Houston, TX


As part of Metrosolutions, under separate contractual arrangements, ZESI assisted by providing standard specifications for the overall future light rail corridors, namely: the East End Line, Southeast Line, University Line, Uptown Line and North Line. ZESI reviewed existing civil and rail corridor specifications for Metro and the City of Houston and modified them as needed to tailor to the construction of these future light rail projects.




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